

Hi, my name is Peter Collins. I studied art and music in college. I’m also a builder, husband, stepdad, dancer, musician, artist and lover of life. When the pandemic started and the world shut down I was feeling very constrained, both physically and with my voice. Self Expression is one of the great joys of life; A reason to get out of bed in the morning. I started Clarity with a View as a way to keep that alive in myself. What I’ve discovered along the way is that I want to share the lessons and the wisdom I’ve gained so that other people might benefit. Happiness, fulfillment, clarity of purpose, creating a life that you really want to live. These are things everyone wants and yet they seem so elusive. I believe I have something to offer that could make a difference for people. These days I mostly write and do photography. Sometimes I do video. I have conversations with people all the time too. Being with people, either in person, on the phone or Zoom is a great way to make a difference. Sharing in this blog is my contribution to the marvelous, painful joy of being alive here and now, with all of you. If you enjoy it, please let me know. If not, I’d still like to hear from you. One of my favorite quotes is, “We find comfort in talking with people we agree with and growth in those that we don’t.”